Video: Stop the Keystone Pipeline. Stop Tar Sands Development.

This video discusses the importance of stopping development of Canadian tar sands, which might be the single most destructive industrial project ever attempted.

In watching it, I was reminded of Colin Powell’s formulation for dealing with the Iraqi army.

“First, We’re going to cut it off. Then we’re going to kill it.”

10 thoughts on “Video: Stop the Keystone Pipeline. Stop Tar Sands Development.”

  1. 200 Indians had a demonstration at the Capitol in Oklahoma City yesterday..This is a large demo for Okla…A common pro Tar Sands or pro oil /gas/coal is well how did those people get to the demonstration?? They drove…end of discussion..

  2. All power to people protesting the XL, and here’s hope Obama will not sign the approval for its building.

  3. “Watching the plan evolve.” That’s my theme for this PNW regional news item that a mothballed ethanol plant strategically located on the Lower Columbia River will soon be used as a regional distribution center for Bakken oil from North Dakota. Can the tar sand oil from Canada be far behind? This facility can load Ft. MacMurray dilbit onto tankers heading to Shanghai and Tokyo.

    Select text:

    Will the biorefinery in Clatskanie ever produce ethanol again? The answer is unclear as an oil and ethanol distributor, Global Partners LP, announced it is looking to buy the facility for $95 million.

    The Columbia Pacific Biorefinery, owned by a subsidiary of JH Kelly of Longview, Wash., was built to produce renewable corn-based ethanol, but production has been on hold because of high corn prices and low ethanol prices. The facility started receiving and shipping light crude oil and ethanol from the Midwest in November via rail cars and oceangoing barges.

    Today, Global Partners LP announced it has signed an agreement to acquire 100 percent of the membership interests in the facility from Cascade Kelly Holdings.

  4. Thanks, Peter. This is odd, though… when it starts, it looks like it’s going to be 4:17. But then it plays for one second and is done. I tried to load through YouTube, via a new search for the NRDC video, etc. Nothing works. Ideas? Would love to see and repost this.


    1. works for me.
      try going direct to the you tube page by clicking on the youtube logo at lower right of the vid

  5. These guys send me junk from time to time, asking me to sign this or that to show Washington that folks care about climate related stuff:

    I signed this one. It’s an open letter that has to do with Keystone and climate change action as a whole, that will be sent to Obama. When i signed it, several hours ago, it had 155,000 signatures; currently it has 161,000 signatures. I’ll copy and paste the start of it below. I have no idea if signing it really does much, but i know not signing it does even less, and the only risk is you get email spam from them, every once in a while:

    ‘Dear President Obama,

    It was with great relief and gratitude that we welcomed, at long last, a clarion call in your inaugural address to “respond to the threat of climate change” — the greatest threat, challenge, and opportunity of our time.

    We thank you for these words, because your words are powerful, and necessary for change. But words are not enough. We need action.

    Mr. President, you are the first leader in our history who will be judged by what you do — or do not do — to protect your people from the already-begun ravages and disruptions brought about by fossil fuels.

    So far, Mr. President, you are failing in the face of our earth heating up, and the damage accelerating.

    Just a few months ago, we witnessed New York and New Jersey swallowed up by our still-rising oceans. Our worsening nationwide drought, after the hottest year on record, is clear evidence that our planet is not healing, but is hurtling toward greater climate disruption.

    The simple truth is that you will continue failing in the fight against climate change, as long as you continue an energy policy which treats equally the fuels that are hurting us and those that will save us. To meet your call on climate change, your “all of the above” energy policy must end.

    Your support for fracking and drilling, coal mines and pipelines, continues to obliterate the progress you could be making with your administration’s gas mileage rule, or your investments in renewable energy. Even if you finally issue a carbon pollution rule that addresses existing sources of pollution, it will mean nothing if you are simultaneously lighting the fuses on carbon bombs by approving the Keystone XL pipeline, Arctic drilling, or fossil fuel export projects…..’

  6. Listen to two promoters pitch the benefits of the Keystone XL and the tar sands as the best of all possible worlds.

    Thompson-Reuters Editor Chrystia Freeland interviews the Mayor of Calgary.

    Round ’em up! Yi Ha!

  7. OK, as a European the pipeline isn’t a local issue for me and that is just taking into account the damage such a large structure will have on the local eco-systems- but beyond that I feel oil sands is becoming a figurehead campaign in much the same way deniers want to bring down Mann and the hockeystick.

    Ultimately AGW is not about any one subject, oil-sands has enormous limits to its growth despite oil-optimists believing it to be the saviour to peak oil. The industry reckons on only a doubling of growth- 3m/b a day in the coming decade, a paltry and very expensive 2% of supply.

    Concentrating on a bogey man deflects the real attention away from the big picture. At this late stage all our efforts need to be directed at leadership to offer a complete vision of the future.

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