Money Talks. Small Town Police Saves Big with EV Patrol Cars

Two things can be true.

Elon Musk is an asshole, and cost of EV ownership beats ICE vehicles.

WRTV Indianapolis:

The town of Bargersville, located just south of Indianapolis in Johnson County, is a leader in the electric vehicle revolution.

But officials here say swapping out gas-guzzling police cruisers for all-electric Teslas is more about saving green than going green.

“It’s all about the money,” Police Chief Todd Bertram said. “We started the program, because I needed two officers.”

The town bought its first Tesla police car in 2019 and has since added a dozen more.

Bertram says Bargersville’s fleet of 13 Tesla police cars saves taxpayers about $80,000 a year in fuel costs compared to gas-powered police vehicles.

“It was a risk in the very beginning but it’s proven now,” Bertram said.

The town is saving enough on fuel to pay for two additional officers. Bargersville is growing and has added about a half dozen officers since it bought its first Tesla.

Teslas cost more than a Dodge Charger or Ford Crown Victoria, but Clerk Treasurer Dustin Doyle said the money saved on fuel makes up the difference in less than three years.

“If it benefits the environment, fantastic,” Doyle said. “But this benefits our taxpayers in the sense that we’re saving money and we’re being fiscally responsible with their money.”

In 2018, Bargersville spent $54,000 on gas for police cars. By 2023, the town added six new police cars but spent about $31,000 on fuel, Doyle said.

“When we run those Chargers to the end of their life on a police force, we’re lucky to get $3,000 to $5,000 trade value for them,” he said. 

“We just traded our first car in this year and we got $17,500 for a 2019 Tesla.”

One thought on “Money Talks. Small Town Police Saves Big with EV Patrol Cars”

  1. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the largest autofleet holder in Canada, are currently acquiring and adapting Teslas as patrol cars.

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