13 thoughts on “Fox News Fan: “Chasing Ice” Changed my Life”

  1. Here’s some news that won’t be discussed on Fox News:



    World Energy Report 2012
    The Good, the Bad, and the Really, Truly Ugly
    By Michael T. Klare

    Rarely does the release of a data-driven report on energy trends trigger front-page headlines around the world. That, however, is exactly what happened on November 12th when the prestigious Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) released this year’s edition of its World Energy Outlook. In the process, just about everyone missed its real news, which should have set off alarm bells across the planet…. (continues at website…)

    1. But it is possible that this video will be discussed on Fox since apparently the lady having the ‘conversion’ should have said the name Sean Hannity three times instead of Bill O’Reilly, if she wanted to seem more plausible…….

      Folks can disagree all they want with Fox, but it pays to know what various Fox personalities actually think about global warming before putting out an ‘endorsement’ video like this one……

      “Bizarre ‘Fox Lies’ video: Alleged “Climate-Denying O’Reilly Fan” Now Believes Global Warming is Real”

  2. I suspect that woman is just caught up in an after-movie euphoria, and that a few months from now she will be telling her neighbors the same, after once again professing, “Tide goes in, tide goes out; no one can explain that!”. I’m skeptical.

    Anyway, on a brighter note, they will be playing that movie a short bike ride from where I live on November 30th.

    Except there aren’t any bike racks at the theater; just a fair sized parking lot, adjacent to Hit-pedestrians-and-cyclists-and-run’ Boulevard, where motorists accelerate towards stop lights; honk, threaten, and yell at folks who are only going the speed limit of 35mph and not 15mph faster; and where 40 year old men in leased Mercedes risk their fellow motorists lives by aggressively weaving in and out of lanes as if they were on a car commercial focused on ‘performance’, ‘speed’, ‘exhilaration’, or whatever else advertisers come up with to sell people crap they don’t need.

    I ride my bike to the grocery, the bank, and the post office, but you have to have a death wish if you want to attempt Ventura Blvd. in the San Fernando Valley on cycle. Not that most places around here have bike racks, anyway. It’s not just car-centric, it’s anti-pedestrian. Though to be fair, they do have some eco-friendly buses that run up and down Ventura most of the day.

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