17 thoughts on “The Weekend Wonk: Measuring Sea Level in Detail”

  1. A Harvard professor discussing the counter-intuitive details of sea level rise is no match for the incredible ignorance that is out there. Yahoo News ran an AP article that discusses the enhanced sea level rise effect on the US eastern seaboard. Many comments consisted of something like “water seeks its own level, stupid libtard science and the globalist agenda”.


      1. I don’t know the answer, but part of it has to be informing ourselves, and spreading that info as widely as possible.

        1. Right on. Though considering the desperation, simple-mindedness, and exposed nuttiness that these comments provide, they may be more a positive indicator than negative.

  2. I realize that “some” of Jerry Mitrovica’s presentation is based upon proxy data, nevertheless, the future looks bad (wet?) for anyone living close to water. I wonder when the insurance companies will start doubling premiums for people wanting to gamble otherwise.

    Perhaps this is time for a real-life social evolutionary experiment: if “you believe in science and live close to the coast” then you should be able to sell your property to “science deniers who want to live with a beach front view”. Now if there is another Katrina-like event, and science deniers living close to water have the misfortune of an early death, { well, you can guess where I am going with this }

  3. Science Fri did a report of a study re Ocean raise.I think groups should put pressure on groups like Democracy Now to add a regular segment ..(every day) about a global warming study/problem.The left is about as bad as the right in reporting enough about global warming…has to be repeated often like the car sales ads

    1. Yeah, the media in general seems more concerned about political bickering and gossip in the DC beltway.

  4. I found this enlightening…thanks Peter for the “heads up”.

    I followed up on Jerry Metrovica and found another Youtube presentation that was given by Jerry. This one is twice as long and whilst it covers the same ground it gives some further insights into his views on “climate scepticism”:


    On both Realclimate and Skeptical Science (and other places) there has been coverage of the recent legislative farce with regards to the North Carolina Canutes (NC-20) wishing to invoke the sea-level-it’s-not-rising-very-much-meme. I happened upon the NC-20 and realised why one of your regulars Dave Burton has been quiet on this subject:

    Dave is on the NC-20 Board of Directors as “IPCC AR5 WG1 Expert Reviewer”:


    I guess he has been preoccupied.

    1. stay tuned. The new Yale video will be out very soon, and deals with this issue.

  5. Atoieno- nice sleuthing. So now we have morabito as a member of the uk freedom (libertarian wingnut) party and burton is a self appointed global warming expert inserting himself into the great North Carolina global warming denial witch hunt and sea level rise repeal.

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