Admiral David Titley, US Navy Chief Oceanographer – “I used to be a climate skeptic”

Admiral David Titley is no stranger to viewers of the Climate Denial Crock of the Week series. Here he explains his journey from climate skeptic to one of the leading scientific voices warning about the impacts of a warming world, rising oceans, and acidifying seas.  Viewers may wish to compare to the similar journey of Weather Channel senior forecaster Stu Ostro.

Admiral Titley has appeared in both videos on the National Security aspects of Climate Change, as well as recent videos on Arctic ice changes.  See those videos embedded below the fold.  Look for Part 2 of this lecture in the next post, and you can also hear Admiral Titley interviewed on NPR Science Friday, here.


Admiral Titley’s education includes a B.S. in Meteorology from the Pennsylvania State University, a M.S. in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography and Ph.D. in Meteorology, both from the Naval Postgraduate School. He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seminar XXI on Foreign Politics, International Relations and National Interest, and is a fellow of the American Meteorological Society.

In 2009, Titley assumed duties as oceanographer and navigator of the Navy and director, Task Force Climate Change.

Additional Information:

Climate Change and National Security Part 1

Climate Change and National Security Part 2

2010 Arctic Ice Update

5 thoughts on “Admiral David Titley, US Navy Chief Oceanographer – “I used to be a climate skeptic””

  1. To Admiral Titley: having meet you at a Pew Institute presentation in Cleveland,Ohio we chatted and you were wrong then and you are still wrong. There is no experimental data that proves that the “greenhouse gas effect exist” Below are just a few references from some real scientist .
    “Slaying the SkyDragon” principle editor Tim Ball other authors, Dr. Charles Anderson,Alan Siddons,and 6 others.
    List of references:
    The paper “Falsification of the Atmospheric CO2 greenhouse effect within the frame of physics” by Gerhard Gerlich and Ralf D. Tscheuschner is an in-depth examination of the subject. Version 4 2009
    Electronic version of an article published as International Journal of Modern Physics
    B, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2009) 275{364 , DOI No: 10.1142/S021797920904984X, c World
    Scientific Publishing Company,
    Report of Alan Carlin of US-EPA March, 2009 that shows that CO2 does not cause global warming.

    Greenhouse Gas Hypothesis Violates Fundamentals of Physics” by Dipl-Ing Heinz Thieme This work has about 10 or 12 link
    that support the truth that the greenhouse gas effect is a hoax.
    from the Philosophical magazine (more properly the London, Edinborough and Dublin Philosophical Magazine , 1909, vol 17, p319-320. Cambridge UL shelf mark p340.1.c.95, if you’re interested.
    The Hidden Flaw in Greenhouse Theory
    By Alan Siddons
    from: at March 01, 2010 – 09:10:34 AM CST

    The below information was a foot note in the IPCC 4 edition. It is obvious that there was no evidence to prove that the ghg effect exists.

    “In the 1860s, physicist John Tyndall recognized the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the atmospheric composition could bring about climatic variations. In 1896, a seminal paper by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first speculated that changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could substantially alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect.”

    After 1909 when R.W.Wood proved that the understanding of the greenhouse effect was in error and the ghg effect does not exist. After Niels Bohr published his work and receive a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. The fantasy of the greenhouse gas effect should have died in 1909 and 1922. Since then it has been shown by several physicists that the concept is a Violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

    Obviously the politicians don’t give a dam that they are lying. It fits in with what they do every hour of every day .Especially the current pretend president.
    Paraphrasing Albert Einstein after the Publishing of “The Theory of Relativity” –one fact out does 1 million “scientist, 10 billion politicians and 20 billion environmental whachos-that don’t know what” The Second Law of thermodynamics” is.

    The bottom line is that the facts show that the greenhouse gas effect is a fairy-tale and that Man-made global warming is the World larges Scam!!!The IPCC and Al Gore should be charged under the US Anti-racketeering act and when convicted – they should spend the rest of their lives in jail for the Crimes they have committed against Humanity.

    Web- site references: Ponder the Maunder
    many others are available.

    The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance.”
    —Albert Einstein

  2. correction to above: It was Admiral Dennis McGinn that I had meet in Cleveland, Ohio at a presentation by Pew institute. It is very unfortunate that Admiral Mc Ginn and Admiral Titley have been drinking the same bilge water and have not bothered to look into the physics that proves that the “greenhouse gas effect does not exist.”

  3. I knew the admiral in college, was a great guy and a darn good forecaster. I thank him for his service to the nation, but if he comes back to State College hope I can get together with him and show him my ideas.

    He was part of a crew that was always around the PSU weather tower, another infamous warmist Paul Douglass ( who’s real name is Doug Kruehoffer) being another person. At least Dave did not change his name and the service to his nation and rise in rank of the greatest navy in the world has my undying respect

    That does not mean I would not like a crack at changing his mind again

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