You’re Being Selfish, Mate. What’s Yours is Really Mine.

I honestly don’t know if this is real or satire. It certainly has a Monty Python skit quality to it.

This is very much like the “I own the view of your cornfield but, hell no I won’t help pay the taxes or upkeep on it” – an argument that we hear so often from anti-clean energy types.

Seriously. Compare/Contrast.

11 thoughts on “You’re Being Selfish, Mate. What’s Yours is Really Mine.”

  1. “anti-clean energy types.” Well no, it’s not really the same argument. Some may want to look at an industrialised landscape, some may not. I may want to stockpile used tyres next to you and set fire to them periodically to get rid of them. I hope you won’t be a NIMBY in the smoke?
    My neighbours complain about my trees for blocking their view. Large sections of my farm are effectively off limits to activities I would like to do, although of course I pay the land tax. I put up with it, in spite of subsidising their carbon pollution with the trees I do have for free.

    1. You are missing the the point that those anti solar or wind people are funded by fossil fuels interests, and they are going all over the country spreading disinformation, and demonizing farmers who choose to have a solar or wind farm on their land. These groups got 1 million people in New Jersey to sign a petition opposing offshore wind, based completely on a Lie, claiming offshore wind projects killed whales. There is ZERO evidence of that anywhere in the world.

      Anti Clean Energy Movement
      it’s like a cult – video

      Meet the man fueling clean energy opposition in the Midwest

      Kevon Martis and a group of fossil fuel-funded allies have led a decades-long campaign to sow fear and misinformation about renewable energy. It’s working.

      “Aided by a small group of allies—many of whom receive money from the fossil fuel industry—Martis has helped pass dozens of laws that ban or severely restrict clean energy development in towns and counties across the Midwest. In order to pass these laws, he’s used misinformation and fear-based tactics that wind up dividing entire communities. A clean energy executive told HEATED and Distilled that if Martis gets to a community before them, their projects are almost certain to be blocked by the local government. The executive asked for anonymity in fear of being targeted by Martis.”

      1. My opinion is the US is a liability for the planet and has been for a long time. I honestly don’t care that you put wall to wall wind turbines all over your landscape in an effort to keep your entitlement to mass consumption going. I do care about the fact the US exports it’s ideology and dumb ideas to the rest of the planet though!

    2. that you can’t tell the difference between a solar panel, a wind turbine, and a burning mountain of tires tells us all we need to know about your judgement.

      Moreover, someone that moves into an agriculturally zoned area should know in advance that there are sights and smells that are part of the normal operation in these areas that may not fit their bucolic ideal of gentrified lifestyle.
      There are midnight harvesters under lights, beet trucks and massive tractors blocking roads, manure piles, elevators and dryers. There are airplanes overhead spraying poison, and agricultural chemicals that poison aquifers and soils.
      There are CAFOs that rightly or wrongly, spread smells and pollution for miles.
      Noises from machinery, chain saws and truck can start early and run late.
      And when farmers fail, the very worst kind of urban sprawl takes over and destroys the very rural settings that draw people to these areas in the first place.

      Solar and wind are valid uses of agricultural land, and important for farmers, whose land is their 401k, to be able to survive, thrive, and maintain the agricultural base that we will need far into the future.

      1. Hi Greenman, oh I “get it”. Personally I wouldn’t want the natural vistas around my place smothered in industrial structures and I’m guessing I’m not the only one?
        You make rural living sound like a war zone. Perhaps in the states it is? It’s 2pm on a sunny day mid summer as I write this. There’s no sound of machinery, no plane flying over. No human generated sound at all. Just a few bird chirps. My place is elevated and i can see probably 200 miles of mountain range and foothills north to south, none of it with human structures poking up. I do have a row of pylons down one end of my property though. I would prefer them not to be there, but national interest and all.
        It’s interesting you post items like the Tony Seba one, fantasizing farms will be redundant and then in the next breath say we’ll need an agricultural base into the future? I guess farmers will be covering their land with turbines and panels to supply electricity to precision fermentation factories as a last option?
        There is nothing wrong with solar and wind, but it should be distributed and on existing structures, not an extention of the current corporatist model. Coupled with the degrowth of the human industrial economic mega organism and you have a human civilisation that will survive the century!

  2. Contrast with living in big ag run country where one has to put up with smoke from wheat stubble burnoffs, pesticides from crop dusters, huge tractors crawling over potholed roads and old semi trucks hauling the produce everywhere. I would gladly trade all that for the pain of having to look at wind turbines across the horizon.

  3. Human behavior can be extremely confusing, people just don’t seem to get the concept of the amount of trouble we are collectively in, and the implications for the generations to follow, or they simply do not care about anything, except themselves.

    Is this really evolution ??
    “The experts propose that the very aspects of human evolution which led to our dominance on Earth might now be the obstacles preventing us from addressing global environmental challenges like climate change. ”

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