Top Cli-Fi Movie So Far?: Mad Max – Fury Road

I’m giving a series of talks at the local library, first one was a few weeks ago, and some asked me, “What does a worst case climate change scenario look like?”

For homework, I assigned that person to watch the entire “Mad Max” series, including the most recent entry, Fury Road, above.
And I committed to watching that one myself, as I had not. Well, last night I did.

If you can make it thru the first 20 minutes or so, turns out that amidst the noise and explosions, which generally don’t stop, this is a pretty thoughtful and heart rending movie.  Turns out a lot of manly right wing men were upset that it actually has a feminist, earth-centered message, and a warning.

And yes, there will be sequels to this sequel.

6 thoughts on “Top Cli-Fi Movie So Far?: Mad Max – Fury Road”

  1. gotta admit, I dismissed it from my must-see’s. Might have to reconsider on DVD now. Mindless explosions are just so so tiresome.

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